Thursday, September 29, 2011

Two Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs That Have Actually Been Proven to Work

!±8± Two Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs That Have Actually Been Proven to Work

As a result of September 19, 2006 Institute of Medicine report documenting together to address our nation's failure to file the childhood obesity crisis, I want a couple of programs that have actually proven to discuss the work in real conditions.

PE4Life in Naperville, IL

The first, PE4Life is a well-organized, well-funded project, scientifically documented, its model program thrives at Madison Junior High, School District No 203 in Naperville, Illinois.PE4Life in Naperville is by Phil Lawler, a former physical education and technology, now director of PE4Life Academy, an affiliated project that is designed to show interest in sports teachers and school administrators from across the nation, is like Madison Junior High program PE4Life operates at the top.

Only three percent of children are overweight ...

School District No 203 in only 3% of students are overweight. Compare that with over 15% nationally, and understand whyMakers from around the country to PE4Life Academy Lawler crowd to find out what he knows that the rest do not know. "We have trained people from forty different states and five foreign countries," says Lawler. "I would say that is a pretty good indicator the level of interest in this program is not it?"

Corporate Sponsors

PE4Life sponsors can companies like Reebok, Asics, Gatorade, Quaker Oats, Life Fitness and Dicks Sporting gloryThey were to name a few. Madison Junior High, and all visitors will be far from cutting edge training that Lawler has attracted to this program will be burned. "In all honesty, there's no NFL, NBA, MLB and trainers should be green with envy when they see the equipment that we have seen," said Lawler. "In a very real sense, Madison Junior High, the Mecca of Child Health in America today."

For example ...

For example, if students MJH is hectic at the end of gym class, youtogether all the students in the class put Polaris heart rate monitor to its proper place, before going to see the showers. "Polaris has kindly provided us with a lot of heart rate monitors are available to meet every student in the class. And with the help of these devices, our children to learn all about their cardiovascular systems, and how practice is affected," said Lawler.

Each student works with this type of equipment several times a week and learn about fitness in avery practical way. "If you are the high school, has all the information you need to get in shape for the rest of their lives," said Lawler.

PE4Life The curriculum takes students on their cardio fitness venture to develop power, agility, speed and flexibility. So it's not just the high-tech features of the 21 century, the hallmarks of this unique program, as well as most of the rest of the nation. And 'the cut is complete, whichmakes it really stand out.

The Academy PE4Life

There are good reasons to see physical education teachers and administrators of long-distance, feel, taste, smell and touch, what students Lawler. And the hands-on experience of information called the Academy PE4Life.

"I received calls from some of the top professors in some of the best American colleges and universities from different parts of the country to see what our children aredifferently here in District #203. We've worked hard for over a decade to bring this program to life, and I think it's safe to say that our entire community takes pride in what our kids have accomplished. It's one of those things that distinguishes Naperville and makes it such a great place to live."

Much More Than Just a Childhood Obesity Prevention Strategy

I reality PE4Life is much more than just a childhood obesity prevention strategy. It's a fully equipped, fully funded, comprehensive kid's fitness project whose most eloquent claim to fame is that it's been tested under real world circumstances, and it has proven to be effective. And in a world full of hand wringing and theoretical talk, projects that actually work tend to stand out. For a full explanation just Google PE4Life and you'll get all the info you'll want.

Operation Pull Your Own Weight

On the other side of the tracks (literally on the other side of the Mississippi River) sits another childhood obesity prevention program that's also been proven to work. It's called Operation Pull Your Own Weight (OPYOW), and in almost every conceivable way OPYOW is the polar opposite of Naperville's PE4Life.

One Part of an At Risk Grant

OPYOW was developed at Jefferson Elementary School from 1990-1994*, and was originally underwritten by a state of Iowa At-Risk Grant that aimed to improve the self esteem and related performances of the kids who attended Jefferson School.
"OPYOW was the physical component of the self esteem recipe that we were asked to develop," said former Jefferson School Principal Henry Reams. "It was based on the old gym teacher's observation that kids who can do pull ups, can't be obese. So the more Jefferson students who learned to pull their own weight, the fewer we'd have doing battle with obesity and related issues. And as we all know, obesity drags a kids self esteem down faster than anything you can think of," said Reams.

Financing OPYOW With Spare Change

Although the grant covered the salaries and related expenses for four teachers, there was almost no budget for fitness equipment, and certainly no corporate sponsors. So Reams and company drove to the local Farm and Fleet, where with pennies from the spare change drawer they financed all the materials required to build sixteen height adjustable pull up bars (one for every K-2 classroom in school), the only equipment necessary to implement the program.

They asked an Industrial Arts class at Davenport Central High to cut the pipe and chains to the right length, and the district's maintenance department to install one height adjustable pull up bar in every (sixteen) K-2 classroom in school. "I know we spent less than 0 dollars to outfit this entire aspect of the grant. You might say we funded OPYOW on a shoestring, begging, borrowing, and stealing everything we needed to get started. But if you check the results, it's hard to be unimpressed with what our students accomplished," said Reams.

What Were the Results?

So what exactly were the results of OPYOW? Over a four year period, from the fall of 1990 through the spring of 1994 hundreds of Jefferson School students not only developed the ability to do pull ups, but they also learned to look forward to their opportunity to get on the pull up bar and get stronger day after day, week after week, and month after month. "I've known lots of kids who want to be bad, but I've never met one that wants to be weak, in any way. And with OPYOW we taught students how to get strong in all kinds of ways," Reams said.

What Else Did They Learn?

What else did Jefferson kids learn in OPYOW you ask? "Our kids learned that given the opportunity, they could tackle a difficult task by working at it regularly, making thin slices of progress over a period of time, and in the end they learned to expect success," Reams said.
Jefferson's students also learned that there are six things that increase your strength on the pull up bar, including...

o regular work

o eating right

o getting enough rest

o avoiding tobacco

o avoiding alcohol

o avoiding drugs

"Interestingly enough, when these same six strength building principles are applied to academics they make kids stronger in reading, writing, and arithmetic too," Reams added.

Nobody Else Can Do It For You

One other thing Jefferson students learned from working on a pull up bar was that nobody else can do the work for you. "On the pull up bar our students learned that they had to take responsibility for getting their own work done, eating right, getting their rest, and avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. If they failed to do these things, the pull up bar knew immediately and denied the public success that all kids crave. It was a real eye opener," Reams said, "and that may be the single most important thing our kids learned from OPYOW."

OPYOW Shortcomings

What are the shortcomings of OPYOW? "The biggest void in the program was that it was built on the anecdotal observation that kids who can do pull ups can't be obese," said Reams. "In other words, to my knowledge nobody has ever compared the BMI's of kids who can do pull ups against kids who can't do pull ups in order to scientifically prove that they're a legitimate antidote to obesity. By the same token nobody has ever tried to prove that your nose is located on your face either. Maybe both are too intuitively obvious to attract academia," he added.

A second criticism of OPYOW claimed that, by virtue of focusing on one exercise alone, it lacked the comprehensiveness that characterizes all well conceived programs. "But the people who made those claims failed to see that this program never claimed to be comprehensive. Its only claim was that it's a functional antidote to obesity...nothing more, nothing less. If you can do pull ups, you can't be obese. By the same token, to the degree that it successfully discourages obesity, it also reduces the workload on the participant's heart 24/7," Reams said.

What Jefferson School students did prove beyond a shadow of a doubt was that, given the right opportunity, almost all kids can learn to perform pull ups. "And to the degree that the old coach's intuition is true, Operation Pull Your Own Weight is the simplest and most efficient childhood obesity prevention strategy anyone ever devised," Reams added with a smile.

PE4Life Shortcomings?

How about shortcomings in PE4Life? This program has all the scientific documentation that anyone could ever want. They have money. They have equipment. They have nice neighborhoods and well funded schools. They have a comprehensive 21st century fitness strategy that successfully combats obesity. And school districts that have plenty of money should definitely check it out and see if PE4Life is the answer to their problems.

Lawler suggests that the stakes are now so high that we can no longer afford to use the excuse that school districts can't afford a viable obesity prevention program. By the same token there are 45,000,000 people in America today who are unable to afford health insurance, and it does little good to tell them that their lack of money is no excuse. They're still unable to afford health insurance no matter how you spin it. Are school districts any different?

Equipment Dependency VS Free Agency

On the other hand, even if your school district is overflowing with funds, the PE4Life orientation tends to produce students who are dependent on the high tech equipment that the program is built around. In other words, without access to expensive, high tech, 21st century fitness equipment, PE4Life has little to offer.

In contrast OPYOW creates students who are dependent on a ten dollar, doorway pull up bar, or the closest tree limb. You could call it Tom and Huck fitness. Their expressed goal is what they call Free Agency (no dependency), and they claim that it's Mother Nature's antidote to childhood obesity. Now is anyone suddenly feeling a strong desire for a banana?

Beginning of Sidebar

Similarities between PE4Life and OPYOW include...

o Both have succeeded under real life (as opposed to theoretical) conditions

o Both put the responsibility for success in the hands of the student

o Both were developed by guys from Iowa

o Both feature life long lessons that are tucked in between the lines

Differences between PE4Life and OPYOW

o PE4Life was built on empirical data, OPYOW was built on common sense

o PE4Life requires plenty of money, OPYOW can be implemented on a shoestring

o PE4Life requires lots of equipment, OPYOW requires a height adjustable pull up bar

o PE4Life requires extensive training, OPYOW can be taught by any parent volunteer

o PE4Life requires lots of space for equipment, OPYOW requires no extra space

o PE4Life requires several hours per week, OPYOW requires five minutes per week

o PE4Life encourages equipment dependency, OPYOW encourages free agency

o PE4Life requires a "professional setting," OPYOW can easily be taught at home

o PE4Life's strength is its comprehensiveness, OPYOW's strength is its simplicity

o PE4Life is more than obesity prevention, but for OPYOW that's the whole enchilada

o PE4Life is alive and kicking, OPYOW ran out of funding over a decade ago

End of Sidebar

The Choice is Yours

So if you have plenty of money, space, equipment, and time to train your trainers, then PE4Life may be a viable option. On the other hand if your school is short on funds, your teachers are already overloaded to the gills, and you have almost no extra time in your curriculum, then the simplicity of Operation Pull Your Own Weight may be more your cup of tea.

*Despite four years of well documented success, OPYOW has been inactive since the grant ran out in the spring of 1994. But with childhood obesity running rampant, there's a movement afoot to breathe life back into this simple, cost effective, tried and true childhood obesity prevention strategy that's been proven to work. They're in the market for corporate sponsors.

Two Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs That Have Actually Been Proven to Work

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Impact Sports ePulse Strapless Heart Rate Monitor Watch and Calorimeter

!±8± Impact Sports ePulse Strapless Heart Rate Monitor Watch and Calorimeter

Brand : Impact Sports Technologies | Rate : | Price : $129.95
Post Date : Sep 26, 2011 18:16:50 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

ePulse is the world's first armband-only continuous heart rate monitor and calorimeter. Until now continuous heart rate monitors required an uncomfortable chest strap and special watch, essentially restricting their use to serious athletes. ePulse, the "People's Personal Fitness Assistant" now makes it practical and convenient for anyone who exercises or is interested in tracking calories burned to obtain the benefits of heart rate monitoring while conducting literally any type of activity from running to walking or simply doing daily chores. The ePulse brings the benefits of continuous heart rate monitoring to everyone with its ease of use and convenience. This is accomplished via sophisticated integration of light sensor and microprocessor technology (like that used in hospital heart rate monitors) that allows the ePulse to accurately read the pulse from the forearm. The ePulse is lightweight and features an easily read day/night LED display. It is powered by standard AAA batteries. ePulse requires no programming to immediately display heart rate, and with a simple input of personal data, it will also calculate calories burned and target exercise zones including in-zone alerts. ePulse works equally well for both men and women. This innovative product addresses the prevailing issue other heart rate monitors struggle to overcome�.the wearing of a chest strap! At best, chest straps are an annoyance and at worst, are so uncomfortable that they discourage many people from utilizing this type of valuable training and fitness tool. In particular, women seem very sensitive to chest straps and many won't use heart rate monitors due to this physical requirement. Now, ePulse comfortably conveys heart rate (and other important data) allowing anyone to easily regulate their workout intensity and better attain specific fitness or weight management goals with the touch of a finger.

  • Chest-strap-free heart rate monitor and calorimeter that wears around the forearm
  • Delivers the benefits of heart rate monitoring without uncomfortable chest strap
  • Shows current heart rate, maximum and minimum heart rates, and average heart rate
  • Calculates calories burned based on personal profile and heart rate
  • Includes fat burning and cardio target zones; powered by AAA batteries

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sportline Women's Solo 960 Heart Rate Monitor Watch

!±8± Sportline Women's Solo 960 Heart Rate Monitor Watch

Brand : Sportline | Rate : | Price : $84.95
Post Date : Sep 21, 2011 02:35:35 | Usually ships in 6-10 business days

  • 3 Beat Speed Sensor
  • Patented One-Touch Technology
  • ECG Accurate Heart-Rate Reading
  • No Chest-Belt Required
  • Performs even in motion

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

I want to buy the best treadmill

!±8± I want to buy the best treadmill

As part of the annual review of whether the school district's math teacher, the best students in the class to ask, and you have ten of these students, who scored a 100% of what will be your answer? The correct answer would be: Lord, I have ten best students. It's up to you to decide who among them is the best!

The situation is the same in the range of treadmills. As the demand for treadmills is not only expanded, but it explodes, there are manyhigher education, a strong competition in the line. There is only one person, the judge what he does best - it's up to you to flash your credit card!

A definitive answer to your query, best treadmill, you must understand the purpose of acquiring the treadmill first. Now you have a specific answer to what did you do with the machine. You're an Olympic perspective ... a serious athlete? Or you're an aspiring model, or is it your intention to cut off a few poundsthe expansion of the belly? Or, for that matter, you go on a treadmill for the good of the whole family to buy? Remember also, and before you go.

Icon Health & Fitness is the largest manufacturer treadmills and best known in the world. In addition to the treadmill, make many other types of exercise equipment. As with treadmills, their brands, Reebok, Nordic Track, Wels, Proform and Image brands. These are the most popular brands.

If you are thinking of buying one of thesebest treadmill, it is better to get a quick overview of this treadmill are excellent brands.

WESLO Treadmill: Treadmills Weslo Treadmills are excellent for the beginner. WESLO is one of the most prestigious names offers buyers the most economical purchases Treadmill. The Weslo treadmills offer a rare combination of the best work at low cost.

ProForm Treadmill: ProForm is a name responsible for ensuring that the entire revolution in the treadmill. His SpaceSaver foldTreadmill is one class of the model treadmill, famous today. ProForm treadmills are known for their best state of the art features and user-friendly treadmill. ProForm treadmill is possible in almost all segments of the range of $ 400 to find $ 2000.

NordicTrack: Homework NordicTrack treadmill is the final sensation. They will bring the benefits of climbing and yoga right in your home NordicTrack treadmill.

Reebok: Reebok is a great name of the treadmillSector. The Reebok treadmills are sleek, stylish and simply the best. With a treadmill seems excellent from Reebok, you can enjoy long-lasting exercise.

All these are the best treadmills on the market today, it is enough to define your needs and get the best for you. Running happy!

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Reebok Precision Trainer XT Heart–Rate Monitor with Chest Strap

!±8± Reebok Precision Trainer XT Heart–Rate Monitor with Chest Strap

Brand : Reebok | Rate : | Price : $69.99
Post Date : Sep 13, 2011 14:55:15 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Product FeaturesFast, easy and accurate heart rate monitorChest belt included for continuous heart rateTime/Date (12/24 hr), alarm, calorie counter, User Menu, Personal Profile, Chronograph, Hi/Low AlarmsTimer, Memory, Bike Mount, Water resistant to 30m

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

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!±8± Sunny Health & Fitness Pro Indoor Cycling Bike

Brand : Sunny Health & Fitness | Rate : | Price : $237.91
Post Date : Sep 10, 2011 20:35:24 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Sunny Pro Indoor Cycling Bike

  • Fully adjustable seat
  • Fully adjustable handlebars
  • 40 lb flywheel
  • Chain drive mechanism for smooth and quiet workouts
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

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!±8± Nautilus R514 Recumbent Exercise Bike

Brand : Nautilus | Rate : | Price : $499.00
Post Date : Sep 08, 2011 12:10:58 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Recumbent exercise bike for the home with 16 resistance levels and 20-pound flywheel
  • 7 profile courses, 2 programmable user profiles, 20 total programs
  • 4 Polar heart rate programs, with telemetry, grip and chest belt (included)
  • Powerful fan, and multi-point seat and console adjustments; oversized deluxe pedals
  • 300-pound maximum user weight; 10-year warranty on frame, 2 years on parts, 1 year on electronics

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Heart Rate Monitor Watches - A Review of common features

!±8± Heart Rate Monitor Watches - A Review of common features

Watch heart rate monitors are easy to use. You will receive immediate feedback on your training intensity and let you know if you need to work harder or if you need to slow down. These monitors the heart lets you know when you are approaching a dangerous level of interest rates. They also have better results on your exercise routine, because it knows when to take your workout to the next level.

There are some basic heart rate monitor watches that are good for beginners.The only measure speed without complicated functions. There are also other heart rate monitors to analyze the more advanced features such as transferring data from one clock to the computer, the physiological concentrations, tracking calories and procedure as a personal trainer to have. These watches are for experienced athletes who require more information on their training.

If you are looking for a heart rate monitor looking statement, with the basic functions of the Omron HR-100C is veryevaluated. It's good grades in spite of its average retail value of $ 35 to get there. The watch has a clear, comes with a chest strap and a remote alarm. The clock is actually very accurate, but can pick up interference from the coded transmission is not used.

The Timex T5G971 Heart Rate Monitor Personal Trainer is designed for travelers on a budget that tracks your heart rate and calories burned. Monitor the rate of average cost is $ 60. In an independent studywatch received the highest score. It is right and comes with a chest strap, an indigo-backlit display and a clock. The battery can be the person who saves money to go to a dealer to be replaced. The biggest problem for this monitor is the heart that the instructions for use, contains false information. Another rate monitors from Timex is the Easy Trainer Analog Heart Rate Monitor T5G941. This watch also performed well in tests in Great Britain. This monitor is very simple andBeginners. It sells for an average price of $ 40. It does not show the calories burned and workout areas, but many users feel this watch a "steal" is at this price.

The Polar FS1 heart rate monitor is the easiest available from Arctic Watch. And 'the average price is $ 60. A chest strap is used to monitor and evaluate some areas may be programmed with an audible alarm. The Polar FS1 is designed for beginners. For those who are more advanced athletes, the Polar FT60 much more than a monitor.It works as a personal trainer and really motivates maximaize to practice and exercise. This watch also pursued calories and calculate training zones based on the personal level. This monitor receives high marks for their "reliable and accurate results. The battery can be replaced by themselves. This watch is expensive with an average price of about $ 200.00. For more money can be a polar FlowLink information from the clock uploadComputer. If this monitor is too expensive for the Polar FT6 largely the same functions for training, but for something more than $ 100.

Mine is the motivation of those who have developed an aversion to wearing a chest strap. A heart rate you place your index and middle fingers on the clock for a few seconds. The disadvantage is that it constantly reading and you should stop the exercise if you want to see the data. While strapless heart rate monitors aregenerally not recommended by experts My Motiva has received positive reviews. Calories are monitored, in addition to heart rate. Backlight timer, and an additional bracelet are also available. The small size and regular watches as well.

Heart Rate Monitor Watches - A Review of common features

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